Last we spoke it was the end of the Fall Season. And what a beautiful fall it was!!! I miss it very much, but winter has been good to me so far. But really now, Autumn went by way too fast! Here's a few photographs from the end of my autumn :)
Although Fall went by very fast winter seems to be doing the same. I think it's because I've been so busy. I wish I could say that I've been knitting my little fingers off, day in and day out, 24/7, but that simply is not the case. November and December both were filled with client bookings, and all of December was also crammed with print orders (due to Christmas). Which meant I've been more busy than normal. Luckily I got to take a few days off near Thanksgiving (and got a lot of knitting done during it)! It was nice to have a few days off...even though it simply was not enough time to regain mental sanity. But this Thanksgiving was one of the best I've had! This was Miles's first Thanksgiving with my family, and it was also his first Birthday with my family. His Birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year. So it was twice the celebration! And it was so wonderful to have everyone around up at the farm!! I made Miles a Birthday Pie...because he doesn't like Birthday cake. I also made my famous magic bars and peppermint bark.
My peppermint bark and my moms famous peanut butter cookies!
The boys relaxing before the big thanksgiving feast! Miles and Mr.Fisk the cat (Left) And my brother-in-law Jeff (Right)
So much good food!!!! Miles Blowing out the candles to his birthday pie, and my nephew Nolan took a picture with his bug chocolates...which he wanted "him and I" to make, but I ended up making it all by myself!
Thanksgiving was so great and it was wonderful to have Miles around for it! Last year we spent it up in NH which was nice, but I get home-sick VERY easily, especially for Holidays. So I was incredibly happy when Miles agreed to spend Thanksgiving at my house, even though I told him he could go to NH and spend it with his family.
But like everything else Thanksgiving was there and gone in a flash, and it was back to work for me! My Christmas knitting list was getting shorter by the day!! Finally it ended up being:
Tiffany (my sister)
Jeff (my brother-in-law)
Well...I almost did it! But I'm sad to report that I failed at my task! I guess I under-estimated how busy I would be with my photography work. BUT, I still managed to get 3 1/2 of the gifts finished! My Moms, Tiffs, Jeffs and Miles's. I will have to post pictures of them later, but I wasn't able to get pictures of everyone with their gifts.
Needless to say gifts completed or not I still had an AMAZING Christmas! Two days before Christmas my mom and I spent at least 12 hours in the kitchen baking cookies! It was so much fun and a lot of hard work but we made some ridiculously tasty treats!
Kuma and Mister Fisk spent the day in the kitchen with my Mom and I while we were baking cookies for Christmas.
Sugar Cookies!
Peppermint cookies! DELICIOUS! Our Christmas tree was beautiful and overflowing with gifts!
Top Left: My Mushroom Meringues
I also made some "Mushroom" meringues. They were super easy to make and turned out to be a big hit at Christmas dinner!
Christmas eve was essentially Christmas for my family. My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew all came up to spend the day with us, and Miles too when he got out of work! This year my parents made a little ice skating rink in the back yard, and we all went out and skated on it! I didn't have skates but I still thought it would be fun to go out and slide around...that is before I fell and almost broke my a$%!!!
After we were done skating we cleaned up and went to Christmas Eve Mass. Then came home and had a GIANT dinner which consisted of lobster, fish and chips, bake stuffed shrimp, and wine! Then we all got to open gifts!
Stockings hanging up above the fireplace!
One this I inherited from my mother is her obsessive compulsive, over-indulging, boarder-line hoarding behavior to decorating for Christmas. Every Christmas season it looks like Santa came to our house early and threw up all over our living room! And because I was raised this way, I decorate EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! Poor Miles! Our house will be clad with Santa Claus heads, snowman, and reindeer. And a fake Christmas tree with more ornaments than we will know what to do with! And it will probably stay up for at least 2 weeks after Christmas! Even now I find myself sitting here listening to Christmas music while I type this all out!
Just a few of our decorations!!!
Now that it's all said and done Christmas was great! I will be finishing the rest of the gifts soon, and once those are all done I will be starting on new projects! Giving myself this task has really expanded my knitting techniques. I tried new things I've never done before. I feel much more advanced now than I did and the start of all this! And I don't feel afraid to tackle new patterns and projects! Plus my wonderful fiance bought me a magic loop and a knit-two-at-a-time sock book! SO EXCITED! Thank you honey!!!
I did manage to capture a few shots of my sisters scarf.
I hope everyone had a wonderful and beautiful holiday season filled with laughter and love! And may this New Year bring you good fortune!